Another lesson, and another time - judge not the people around you, for you would be judged with the same measure. Oh well, but I wasn't judging her at all. I was just thinking if she would understand all that I have to say. I think she understood, and understood pretty well. The talkative me was quiet this time, and it was she narrating stories of the whole wide world. Oh the never ending stories :) Work pressure as she calls it! People claiming about destinies after paying a few bucks. Is it really in her hands? What if God says No? Where does she get a role to play? Maybe God has another plan, and for good ofcourse. And maybe He wanted you to lose on a few bucks and teach you something out of that. Why does she in that case has to take the abuses?
Happens ! Its a lot of give-n take here. Does life come with a guarantee? Is anything absolute (even when they claim it is) ? When you think of deploying an enodeB out there, are you sure there wouldn't be many problems? God's ways are different. He is nice, but His discipline comes hard. I'm going off the track. Back to her. So full of life and positivity, so chirpy and yet so thoughtful, so bubbly and yet so meticulous. While it was so dark and for so long, she knew there would soon be light. It was a nice conversation, she sounds convincing, and more than that - honest. Honesty makes me fall, over n over n over again :) I look forward to see her someday.
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